***Updated 12-14-20 to remove ableist language. I acknowledge my mistake and apologize for any harm I caused in using ableist language. I am committed to unlearning and re/learning every day.
I knew Trump was going to win as soon as I knew he was a Republican
candidate. Why? Because I know how base humans can be.
That sounds pessimistic, bordering on nihilistic, but humor
me while I work through some of my thoughts (and emotions) after the election.
This will not be a white guilt or white woman’s tears post.
I hope I never detract from those voices more silenced than
my woman’s voice. After all, I am still white and still enjoy privilege.
Instead, I want mostly to address my thoughts toward that white woman audience.
People of color (especially those women who continue to lead
the charge even though white women do everything in their power to hinder and silence them) know how white people screwed them—continue to screw them. Hell, they
know their history. White people are the deliberately, willfully ignorant and tunnel-visioned voters. This post is for them.
I have maintained a constant state of dread and nausea since
I first heard Trump connected to the Republican Party. Sure, I did my share of
laughing early on. Come on, he’s a buffoon. He’s going to deport Muslims? Force
Mexico to pay for a wall? Tiny baby Jesus. How asinine are those two ideas?!
How could intelligent people vote for someone so clearly unqualified, so
clearly wrong? Yes, that last rhetorical question is stupid because even then I
knew the answer to that: People hate losing their power, whether they earned it
for real or “earned” it by being born with white skin.
I took my Latinx students seriously when they asked me what
would happen to them. All I could say was, “I don’t know.” And I would try to
be optimistic for them, “Nothing will happen. There’s no way he will get
elected.” Ahhhh, if only that were true.
I spent the next several months watching in horror (but not
surprise) as the Facebook “friends” showed their true colors and refused to
listen to reason. I’m not going to pretend I’ve always been aware. However,
I’m a personality type that will listen to other sides, ponder them, dig
for any truth, and then can change my mind—if presented with
truth/facts/logic. When I realize something is right/wrong, I make that
appropriate change. While I’ve squirmed in embarrassment, discomfort, and guilt
over the last five-ish years, I’ve also come to see how wrong I’ve been about
being "not seeing color," about respectability politics, about objectification of women
and ownership of their lives, about LGBT+ issues, and so many other issues.
I thought I was out of the cave before. The last few years
have shown me I was still enjoying the shadows, chained to the floor. I thank
so many people on Twitter for their patience, their brutal honesty, their
anger, their emotion, and their bravery in sharing their lives with stupid
people like me. I believe in educating myself, but I thank them for sharing
their stories so I have material to use in my education. The pain of the
blinding sun as they shone the truth of their experiences…wow. I admit I
unfollowed people like Melinda Anderson (@mdawriter) because she pissed me off
for so much. Then I realized why I was angry—she was right. I had been doing
the “not all white people” crap instead of acknowledging hers (and others’) experiences.
Although I teach literary theory to students and the
importance of looking at more than one side, I had developed a blind spot about
my own egocentricity. I’ve learned the danger of only “reading” one narrative.
So, I found @mdawriter and many other important voices, followed them, shut my
mouth, listened and amplified them, and reflected on myself whenever those
voices upset my precious little white fragility. Actually, it’s been awhile
since I was offended by anyone other than white people. So, let’s discuss that
To reiterate, I’m angry, disgusted, saddened, but not
surprised by the election. I know people can be better; I know they can work to
improve themselves and their world; however, people are generally such selfish
assholes that they rarely surprise me. Sadly, acts of generosity and kindness
surprise me more than violence and hate.
Mostly, I’m so incensed by white women I could actually do
harm. white women, here’s the message we’ve sent to the world:
1. We’re okay with the patriarchy as long as they
take care of us and buy us pretty things. More candidly, men just need to buy
us red hats and Trump T-shirts to make us happy. Or, gold-plated rooms. Okay, I
can’t prove this point with empirical evidence—well, I could, but I don’t have
the time/energy—so this point is simply emotional.
2. We would rather elect a man who brags about
“grabbing [us] by the pussy” then elect someone who actually has a vagina. Good
job, White women. Way to be leaders of the “free” world. Way to send a message
of equality. No, I definitely don’t advocate voting for Hillary simply because
she has the same anatomy, but I do advocate thinking for yourself and what’s
actually best for society. This time, it was Hillary.
3. We will do anything to make sure our white men
retain their power. Why? Because it benefits us. Makes me think of that scene
in Gone With the Wind, with the thinly
veiled reference to the KKK: The men created their “political society” to
protect their women. Sure people died, but by god, those White women’s
reputations went unbesmirched. For all our f*ing platitudes, we really want men
to protect our “purity,” maintain our social status, keep us on those
mythological pillars. Fools. We’re fine with White men catcalling, disparaging,
discriminating against, harassing, sexually assaulting us as long as they
continue to place us on pedestals to show we’re better than other women. Which
brings me to my next point…
4. Jesus, white women. If you're really wanting equality, it ain't comin' from your white men. Why do we need to completely
sh*t on women of other races? Those women
could be our allies, our sisters in the fight for equality. Instead, we are such
competitive and power-grubbing bitches, we can’t acknowledge help from women of
color. Honestly, women of color are doing more for equal rights than we are,
especially before and after this election. They were those prophets in the
wilderness, calling out our doom if Trump were elected. Being stupid and
perverse, we white women heard those messages and blithely said, “Who cares?
Men will still take care of us.” And we flipped off those marginalized groups,
those groups who wisely voted against Trump because they know the ugly side of
America. Dear god we are deliberately dumb and hateful. That takes me to my
next area of contention…
5. Allow me to wax idealistic on this point…Why
couldn’t whites vote for humanity instead of their own selfish desires? Why can’t white men release their death grip on their power and the government and the
nation? Why can’t white women realize a vote for marginalized groups would also
(selfishly) serve their own equality? Any positive step toward equity for one
group is potentially a step for all groups…if we would only realize this. You
know the cliché, “We are only as strong as our weakest link,” so why do white people deliberately create those weak links? White people continually beat down and beat
down and beat down anyone who isn’t white (or cis or hetero or “Christian” or
binary or whatever the hell makes one acceptable to the white people in power). White people should be afraid of other races
gaining power and staging an “uprising.” Those groups are rightfully pissed at
us. We’ve earned their ire—and continually stoke that fire; then we castigate
them for their anger.
Why couldn’t white people (especially women)
realize a vote against Trump was a vote for all of the society? Why can’t white people realize strengthening the groups we’ve deliberately weakened would, in
fact, improve our entire society? When will white people realize this incestuous
exchange and sharing of power is not a healthy symbiotic relationship, but is
parasitic? White people are sucking the life from America, denying our country any
possible chance at greatness. No one and nothing can ever be great if you’ve
stolen, murdered, pillaged, and raped to achieve power. Power does not equal
greatness—it’s simply a show of strength. If your pathway to “greatness” is
littered with the torn, bloody, broken bodies of others, you are not great. You
are a bloodthirsty tyrant, only great in your own bloated, egotistical, warped
Greatness is not a quality one achieves by
hurting others. Greatness is a higher quality: something one aspires to by
throwing off the baser qualities. One becomes great by realizing one is nothing
without others. Those “others” are not simply people who look and believe like
you. Those “others” are people who challenge you and push you and expect you to
be a better human being.
If we really want America to be great, we
need to finally admit we have royally screwed everything up since the first
White landed on the continent. We need to finally admit white people do not have all
the answers, nor should white people hold all the power.
To truly (and finally) make America great,
we need to stop finding scapegoats and admit the reason America is screwed up
is because white people have tried so hard to keep those “others” under our heels—and
they’re sick of it.
White people need to finally admit we, by ourselves,
will never find greatness.
Those “others” will be America’s salvation…if white people will stop screwing up that real search for greatness.
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