My Epiphany
I follow several people probably better equipped to address
the unbelievable injustices currently perpetrated in America. I am not a person
of color, but I truly try to be sensitive to all people and their individual
experiences. I am not always successful, but I reflect a lot and correct and
apologize when I can.
I had an epiphany tonight. I have been following the tweets
of others about the protests in Baltimore.
My husband and I were also discussing the occurrences: the rioting,
looting, and whatever other labels the media slaps on these events. Of course we discussed morality, whether
different events were “right” or “wrong”: Is arson okay but looting not?
I have a hard time letting philosophical ideas go until I
make personal sense of them, and this continued with me until I realized this: Who cares if I agree or not? No one needs me to benevolently bestow my
blessings or to condemn anything. Who cares what I think?
Now, stay with me.
Here is why this epiphany matters.
I am white. The best way I can
help is to not stay silent about the inexcusable behavior of, hopefully, a
minority of law enforcement officers and government officials. I can also help by keeping these inequalities
alive in dialogue and conversation. I
mostly do this by seeing what others are saying and quoting or re-tweeting
their wiser words. Lastly, and most
importantly, I can shut my ignorant mouth and listen.
I need to hear what, in this case, Black people are
saying. Why are they frightened to leave
their homes? Why are they afraid to get
pulled over? Why do they run from cops? Why do they have to teach their babies how to
deal with other races and policemen differently than what other races teach
their children? Why are they angry and
frustrated and rioting and looting?
Why? There are reasons, people! Not stupid, surface reasons. Not excuses like
failure to pay child support or prior records—those are symptoms. What are the roots?
Here’s what I need to do: I need to shut up. I need to look people in the eyes (whether
they are Black, Hispanic, LGBT, women, homeless, anyone forced into Otherness),
acknowledge that individual—really see and feel his/her humanity—and LISTEN to his/her story. I will not pass judgments. This is not about me or my opinions. I only need to know how I can help and not
hinder. This is about the future of our
society. This is about real people who
have futures, if those in power will stop fighting against equality.
So, I am sorry for my failings. I am listening….
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